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CPD Provider number: 162348

All courses accredited and verifiable!!

You can select your courses from a large library covering all topics and Classes of Business.

Single subscription to a course: Single courses can be purchased via credit card or eft.

Once-off subscription: 6 hours – R400 | 12 hours – R700  | 18 hours – R1 000

Monthly subscription: Corporates can purchase a 12 month subscription paying a monthly fee allowing subscribers access to the full course library.

Course library for single purchase

More information

The table below outlines the once-off per person fee for 6, 12 and 18 CPD points | hours per cycle. Once the fee has been paid, participants will be issued with a coupon, allowing them to complete courses of their choice to award the number of required CPD hours per cycle.

Fees are calculated on a sliding scale according to the number of representatives and key individuals subscribed.

The fee per person is a once off fee according to the number of subscribers.

Number of reps and KI’s Percentage discount awarded VAT inclusive fee per person

6 CPD points| hours

VAT inclusive fee per person

12 CPD points | hours

VAT inclusive fee per person

18 CPD points | hours

1 0% R400 R700 R1 000
2-5 5% R380 R665 R950
6-9 8% R368 R644 R920
10-14 12% R352 R616 R880
15-19 15% R340 R595 R850
20-25 18% R328 R574 R820
26-30 20% R320 R560 R800
30+ 25% R300 R525 R750


The fee per person is a once off fee according to the number of persons on the representative register.

The fee includes the following:

  • Access to course material via the e-learning platform
  • Assessment
  • Certification
Buy once-off subscription for individuals
Request a quotation for a group once-off subscription

CPD monthly fee 2018

Fees are calculated on a sliding scale according to the number of representatives and key individuals enrolled in the program.

The tables below outline the per person fee for 6, 12 and 18 CPD points | hours per cycle. The fee table indicates the price for e-learning.

CLC charges a fix fee of R2 600 Vat inclusive to facilitate class-room learning for 2 hours over and above the CPD point fee.

Number of reps and KI’s

Percentage discount awarded VAT inclusive fee per person

6 CPD points | hours

VAT inclusive fee per person

12 CPD points | hours

VAT inclusive fee per person

18 CPD points | hours


0% R50 R90 R120


8% R46 R83



12% R44 R79



15% R42 R76



18% R41 R74



20% R40 R72



25% R38 R67


30+ 30% R35 R63



The fee includes the following

  • Access to course material via the e-learning platform
  • Assessment
  • Certification

Class room facilitation does not include the venue and refreshments.

Advantage of monthly subscription

  • Subscription allows access to all courses available on the e-learning platform
  • The FSP is provided with a report on course completion by subscribers, allowing the FSP better oversight of CPD progress
  • Subscribed FSP’s can request CLC to develop programs to address specific knowledge and skills gaps within the FSP
  • Subscribers can be added or reduced

Click to subscribe to monthly package

The CPD cycle starts on 1 June of every year and runs for a 12-month period.

The Continuous Professional Development (CPD) requirements does not apply to representatives that are authorised to only render financial services or manage financial services in relation to-

  • Long-term Insurance Subcategory A.
  • Friendly Society Benefits.
  • Rendering a financial service in respect of a Tier 2 financial product.
  • Rendering intermediary services in respect of a Tier 1 financial products

The number of hours needed to be completed by representatives and key individuals dependents on the number of subcategories and product classes the representative and key individual is authorised to provide services in.

The table below outlines the required number of CPD hours per cycle.

Number of subclasses Number of class of business Number of CPD points | hours per cycle
1 1 6 hours
2 or more 1 12 hours
1 or more 2 or more 18 hours